Modeling Language with the OFFER Method

One of the best ways we can support our gestalt language processors’ language development is by modeling language. But it’s not as simple as just knowing the “right” language to model; instead, we really need to understand how to model.

In The Great Language Partner Program, we take a deep dive into language modeling for gestalt language processors to help our members really understand how to intuitively offer language models that are meaningful to their child or student.

One of the ways that we do this is by understanding the “OFFER Method” for modeling language.

OFFER is an acronym that reminds us of all of the most important parts of our language models for gestalt language processors. Let’s take a minute to explore the acronym!

The most effective language models are OFFERS, because they are:

OPTIONAL- We never require the child to repeat us!

FROM THE CHILD’S PERSPECTIVE- We offer language that our child may want to say, not what we want them to say.

FOR A VARIETY OF FUNCTIONS- We offer language that represents all of the different ways we use communication.

EASY TO REUSE- We offer language that is flexible and can be used across contexts.

RELEVANT TO THE EXPERIENCE- We offer language that matches the child’s experience both physically and emotionally.

Want to learn more about the OFFER method? Watch our FREE workshop here! Also, download our handout here that would make a great addition to your classroom/therapy room or your home as a visual reminder :)


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