Check out our blog posts on all things child-led.

The Kite Framework
It all begins with an idea.

Modeling Language with the OFFER Method
It all begins with an idea.

STOP Saying You’re Child-Led if You’re NOT.

The Glass Ball Analogy for Parents & Professionals
It all begins with an idea.

Speech Therapy for Gestalt Language Processors

How to Collaborate with Your Gestalt Language Processor’s School-Based Team

Is Gestalt Language Processing “real”?
It all begins with an idea.

What is Gestalt Language Development?
It all begins with an idea.

“Child Led” is not just a buzzword!

We aren’t “training” kids to communicate
It all begins with an idea.

The “Real World” Thinking

Dismissing Autistic Kids’ Communication is Simply Wrong

Building Trust Through Child-Led Interactions

Honoring Autistic Kids’ Interests

3 Things You Can Do Today to Lean In to a Child Led Approach

Honoring “No” to Support Autonomy in Autistic Children and Early GLPs
Honoring your autistic child’s “no” to support autonomy.